Erect, woody herb or shrub 75-150 cm in height.
Stems glabrous, longitudinally grooved. Leaves simple, alternate; blade
ovate to rhomboid in shape with 3-5 lobes, sometimes nearly as wide as
broad, and 2-10 cm long. Leaf margins irregularly serrate, leaf
surfaces softly-pubescent with stellate hairs, blade palmately veined.
Flowers small yellow clustered, clustered on the leaf axils. Five
yellow, obovate petals about 5 mm long. Stamens 10-15. Fruit a
subglobose bur with the body 3-4 mm in diameter, covered with 75-100
hooked spines 1.0 to 1.5 mm long. Burr Bush is widespread in Tropical
Africa and Asia, including the Himalayas, at altitudes up to 1500 m.
Identification credit: Pravin Kawale
Photographed in Maharashtra, Manipur & Arunachal Pradesh.
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